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Wallstreetbets mentions, comments and votes are updated every 10 minutes, while stock data is updated every 5 minutes during market hours.
Mentions | Comments | Upvotes
Ticker # of Mentions # of Comments # of Votes Floating Shares % Shorted Market Cap Price Change Volume
NVDA 9 167 52 23.54B 1.25% 1.09T 442.69 -4.81% 52,585,707
PLTR 6 73 8 1.94B 3.02% 40.19B 18.97 -5.10% 97,099,175
BA 4 21 13 582.83M 2.20% 139.20B 231.38 -2.79% 5,316,318
NIO 3 37 9 1.29B 11.79% 25.91B 14.57 -0.41% 78,665,637
COO 3 21 13 197.91M 1.20% 19.20B 387.86 -0.55% 455,518
AMZN 3 9 4 9.36B 0.86% 1.32T 128.21 -2.64% 48,870,402
MAX 3 5 - 28.67M 9.01% 535.78M 8.90 -8.25% 444,399
EA 3 - - 238.40M 2.36% 34.37B 126.31 -7.21% 5,096,835
SPY 2 106 41 - - 413.12B 450.13 -1.39% 80,808,040
TLT 2 106 40 - - 10.65B 97.09 -1.07% 38,077,619
CC 2 61 12 147.88M 6.23% 5.46B 36.63 -0.62% 1,429,975
RUM 2 8 3 82.99M - 2.30B 8.25 -6.25% 805,201
DM 2 7 3 21.52M 16.16% 582.01M 1.81 -1.09% 1,448,453
TTM 1 106 40 446.88M - 19.26B 25.14 1.05% 3,587,206
OR 1 106 40 185.28M - 2.60B 14.02 -3.18% 463,068
FE 1 71 2 508.99M 2.52% 22.12B 38.62 -0.95% 4,381,583
QQQ 1 47 8 - - 147.17B 374.39 -2.19% 72,276,708
VTI 1 47 8 - - 465.55B 224.50 -1.42% 4,237,755
BABA 1 37 9 15.52B 2.83% 243.62B 95.07 -5.02% 19,126,190
DO 1 27 - 93.88M 4.45% 1.54B 15.17 -3.01% 905,130
RH 1 26 - 13.99M 26.20% 7.14B 388.09 -0.57% 397,131
DELL 1 12 4 292.32M 3.12% 38.51B 52.95 -0.79% 2,707,938
TA 1 9 2 12.21M 10.83% 1.30B 86.00 0.00% 1,111,573
FREE 1 7 3 25.71M 5.15% 169.41M 4.01 0.00% 150,867
DNN 1 3 1 889.37M - 1.08B 1.27 -0.78% 4,029,884
EW 1 1 3 596.36M 1.06% 49.35B 80.38 -2.04% 3,495,317
AT 1 1 1 85.76M - 269.98M 3.02 0.00% 919,051
ALL 1 1 1 262.07M 0.92% 28B 106.51 -5.77% 2,772,540
GME 1 - 2 319.89M 10.21% 6.35B 20.83 -3.12% 2,613,643
CG 1 - 1 251.12M 8.10% 11.92B 32.91 -7.17% 5,459,087

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This tool tracks the number of times a particular stocks has been mentioned in a posts and comments. An aggregated number of comments and upvotes are also tracked within each thread where the stock was mentioned. Results can be sorted and filtered daily, weekly, and monthly.

Table Legends

  • # of Mentions: This is the number of times a stock has been mentioned in a post/comment.
  • # of Comments: This is an aggregated number of comments from posts that contained a given stock.
  • # of Votes: This is the total number of votes from a thread that contained a given stock.
  • Floating Shares: This is the total number of floating shares last reported.
  • % Shorted: This is the current number shares shorted.

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