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Records  51 - 53 Of 53 Page 2 of 2
Ticker Market Cap Outstanding Float Insider Own Inst Own Float Short Short Ratio Short this M Short past M Price Change Volume
AFIIQ 215.62K 21.78M 21.77M - 1.46% 0.59% 0.53 109.76K 53.73K 0.01 0.00% 116,091
ILAG 19.32M 18.06M 8.70M 51.83% 0.72% 3.40% 0.96 295.49K 240.17K 1.07 -2.28% 15,823
NDRBF 18.18B 1.78B 1.44B 21.72% 47.94% - - - - 9.00 0.00% 10