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Records  1301 - 1303 Of 1,303 Page 27 of 27
Ticker Market Cap Outstanding Float Insider Own Inst Own Float Short Short Ratio Short this M Short past M Price Change Volume
JNVR 16.12M 11.18M 4.19M 61.12% 1.14% 2.30% 1.59 121.59K 92.38K 1.63 -16.41% 324,357
PBTDF 320.08M 1.10B 326.65M 70.28% 4.42% - - - - 0.27 0.00% 17,892
DVNCF 7.24M 120.83M 69.17M 9.14% - - - - - 0.06 0.00% 9,000