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Market Cap | 14.26B | P/E | 18.72 | EPS this Y | - | Ern Qtrly Grth | -10.70% |
Income | 558.11M | Forward P/E | 15.29 | EPS next Y | 12.94% | 50D Avg Chg | -4.00% |
Sales | 1.59B | PEG | - | EPS past 5Y | - | 200D Avg Chg | -12.00% |
Dividend | 6.00% | Price/Book | 1.54 | EPS next 5Y | - | 52W High Chg | -25.00% |
Recommedations | 3.07 | Quick Ratio | 1.86 | Shares Outstanding | 218.85M | 52W Low Chg | 1.00% |
Insider Own | 1.21% | ROA | 2.72% | Shares Float | 217.21M | Beta | 0.97 |
Inst Own | 69.15% | ROE | 6.29% | Shares Shorted/Prior | 2.63M/3.41M | Price | 66.65 |
Gross Margin | 92.12% | Profit Margin | 35.17% | Avg. Volume | 1,049,517 | Target Price | 60.18 |
Oper. Margin | 53.09% | Earnings Date | Feb 7 | Volume | 827,693 | Change | -0.51% |
About W. P. Carey Inc. REIT
W. P. Carey ranks among the largest net lease REITs with a well-diversified portfolio of high-quality, operationally critical commercial real estate, which includes 1,430 net lease properties covering approximately 172 million square feet and a portfolio of 78 self-storage operating properties as of September 30, 2024. With offices in New York, London, Amsterdam and Dallas, the company remains focused on investing primarily in single-tenant, industrial, warehouse and retail properties located in the U.S. and Northern and Western Europe, under long-term net leases with built-in rent.
W. P. Carey Inc. REIT News
Insider Trades | Relationship | Date | Transactions | Cost($) | #Shares | Value($) | #Share Own | SEC Form 4 |
Zander Brian H | Chief Accounting Off.. Chief Accounting Officer | Dec 14 | Sell | 65.2608 | 200 | 13,052 | 4,224 | 12/15/23 |