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Market Cap 132.07M P/E 9.69 EPS this Y - Ern Qtrly Grth -23.50%
Income 8.32M Forward P/E - EPS next Y - 50D Avg Chg 1.00%
Sales 41.64M PEG - EPS past 5Y - 200D Avg Chg -4.00%
Dividend 4.00% Price/Book 0.90 EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -21.00%
Recommedations - Quick Ratio - Shares Outstanding 10.18M 52W Low Chg 33.00%
Insider Own 14.23% ROA 0.57% Shares Float 8.40M Beta 0.62
Inst Own 19.37% ROE 6.35% Shares Shorted/Prior 56.44K/67.33K Price 11.44
Gross Margin - Profit Margin 19.98% Avg. Volume 16,146 Target Price -
Oper. Margin 26.46% Earnings Date Oct 17 Volume 3,897 Change -2.56%
About Richmond Mutual Bancorporation,

Richmond Mutual Bancorporation, Inc. operates as the bank holding company for First Bank Richmond that provides various banking services. It accepts various deposits, including savings deposit accounts, money market accounts, NOW and demand accounts, and certificates of deposit. The company also offers a range of lending products, such as multi-family and commercial real estate loans, commercial and industrial loans, construction and development loans, residential real estate loans, and consumer loans. In addition, it engages in the lease financing business; and provision of fee-based financial services comprising trust and estate administration, investment management, retirement plan administration, and private banking services. The company was founded in 1887 and is headquartered in Richmond, Indiana.

Insider Trades Relationship Date Transactions Cost($) #Shares Value($) #Share Own SEC Form 4
Hanley Harold T. III Director Director Oct 24 Buy 9.66 10,404 100,503 27,802 10/26/23
Jackson Jeffrey A. Director Director Nov 03 Buy 13.3298 400 5,332 44,485 11/07/22
BENZIGER DONALD A EVP, Chief Financial.. EVP, Chief Financial Officer Mar 10 Sell 17.0174 3,457 58,829 39,928 03/11/22