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Market Cap 5.18B P/E 11.86 EPS this Y 202.50% Ern Qtrly Grth 630.80%
Income 393.09M Forward P/E 46.17 EPS next Y 11.80% 50D Avg Chg -
Sales 438.7M PEG - EPS past 5Y 26.69% 200D Avg Chg 7.00%
Dividend 2.00% Price/Book 5.28 EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -1.00%
Recommedations 3.00 Quick Ratio 0.71 Shares Outstanding 27.63M 52W Low Chg 25.00%
Insider Own 27.26% ROA 5.84% Shares Float 20.16M Beta 0.58
Inst Own 72.29% ROE 27.86% Shares Shorted/Prior 375.47K/449.42K Price 187.44
Gross Margin 70.16% Profit Margin 102.29% Avg. Volume 462,708 Target Price 188.00
Oper. Margin 44.51% Earnings Date Aug 1 Volume 3,391,269 Change 0.03%
About PS Business Parks, Inc. (MD)

PS Business Parks, Inc., a member of the S&P MidCap 400, is a REIT that acquires, develops, owns, and operates commercial properties, primarily multi-tenant industrial, flex, and office space. As of September 30, 2020, the Company wholly owned 27.5 million rentable square feet with approximately 5,000 commercial customers in six states. The Company also held a 95.0% interest in a 395-unit apartment complex and a 98.2% interest in a development of a 411-unit multifamily apartment complex.

Insider Trades Relationship Date Transactions Cost($) #Shares Value($) #Share Own SEC Form 4
HAVNER RONALD L JR Director Director Mar 09 Option 98.58 14,560 1,435,325 14,560 03/10/22