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Market Cap 117.66M P/E - EPS this Y -16.30% Ern Qtrly Grth -
Income -448k Forward P/E 18.23 EPS next Y 1.20% 50D Avg Chg -2.00%
Sales 23.53M PEG - EPS past 5Y -9.24% 200D Avg Chg 1.00%
Dividend 2.00% Price/Book 0.98 EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -13.00%
Recommedations 3.00 Quick Ratio - Shares Outstanding 7.77M 52W Low Chg 14.00%
Insider Own 6.33% ROA -0.04% Shares Float 7M Beta -
Inst Own 26.07% ROE -0.36% Shares Shorted/Prior 38.76K/37.21K Price 15.13
Gross Margin - Profit Margin -1.90% Avg. Volume 19,543 Target Price -
Oper. Margin -1.48% Earnings Date Jul 21 Volume 40,567 Change -0.66%
About Prudential Bancorp, Inc.

Prudential Bancorp, Inc. operates as the bank holding company for Prudential Bank that provides various banking products or services. The company accepts interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing checking, money market, savings, and certificates of deposit accounts. Its loan portfolio comprises single-family residential mortgage loans, construction and land development loans, non-residential or commercial real estate mortgage loans, home equity loans and lines of credit, and commercial business loans, as well as consumer loans, such as loans secured by deposit accounts and unsecured personal loans. The company also manages a portfolio of investment and mortgage-backed securities; and provides ATM, and online and mobile banking services. It operates a main office in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as well as nine additional full-service branch offices, including seven in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County; one in Drexel Hill, Delaware County; and one in Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Prudential Bancorp, Inc. was incorporated in 1886 and is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.