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Market Cap 3.08M P/E - EPS this Y - Ern Qtrly Grth -
Income -4.49M Forward P/E -4.35 EPS next Y - 50D Avg Chg -22.00%
Sales 3.05M PEG - EPS past 5Y - 200D Avg Chg -49.00%
Dividend N/A Price/Book 0.60 EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -88.00%
Recommedations 2.00 Quick Ratio 4.72 Shares Outstanding 1.05M 52W Low Chg -
Insider Own 0.48% ROA -34.12% Shares Float 705.43K Beta 3.19
Inst Own 2.49% ROE -66.87% Shares Shorted/Prior 345.16K/3.85K Price 1.13
Gross Margin 20.64% Profit Margin -138.72% Avg. Volume 76,354 Target Price -
Oper. Margin -166.61% Earnings Date Nov 12 Volume 77,133 Change -9.60%
About Oblong Inc.

Oblong, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides multi-stream collaboration technologies and managed services for video collaboration and network applications in the United States and internationally. The company operates in two segments, Collaboration Products and Managed Services. Its flagship product is Mezzanine that enables visual collaboration across multi-users, multi-screens, multi-devices, and multi-locations for video telepresence, laptop and application sharing, and whiteboard sharing and slides applications. The company also provides managed videoconferencing services; and remote service management, which offers an overlay to enterprise information technology and channel partner support organizations, as well as support and management services for customer video environments. In addition, it provides network solutions, including Cloud Connect: Video that allows its customers to outsource the management of their video traffic to them and provides the customer's office locations with a secure, dedicated video network connection to the Oblong Cloud for video communications; Cloud Connect: Converge, which offers customized multiprotocol label switching solutions; and Cloud Connect: Cross Connect that allows the customer to leverage existing carrier for the extension of a Layer 2 private line to its data center. The company serves a range of industries comprising aerospace, consulting, executive search, broadcast media, legal, insurance, technology, financial services, education, healthcare, real estate, retail, construction, hospitality, and others, as well as government sector. Oblong, Inc. is based in Denver, Colorado.

Insider Trades Relationship Date Transactions Cost($) #Shares Value($) #Share Own SEC Form 4
Meredith Deborah Jean Director Director Jun 06 Sell 1.6218 10,000 16,218 24,391 06/07/23
ADELMAN JASON T Director Director May 25 Sell 1.59 25,000 39,750 62,458 06/01/23