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Market Cap 47.64M P/E - EPS this Y -313.10% Ern Qtrly Grth -
Income 17.78M Forward P/E -1.05 EPS next Y 34.80% 50D Avg Chg -
Sales 65.3M PEG 5.10 EPS past 5Y - 200D Avg Chg 16.00%
Dividend N/A Price/Book 1.39 EPS next 5Y -0.10% 52W High Chg -38.00%
Recommedations 3.00 Quick Ratio 4.59 Shares Outstanding 6.66M 52W Low Chg 79.00%
Insider Own 1.31% ROA 20.04% Shares Float 4.93M Beta 0.73
Inst Own 41.08% ROE 61.68% Shares Shorted/Prior 16.28K/16.08K Price 7.15
Gross Margin 75.54% Profit Margin 27.23% Avg. Volume 58,862 Target Price 6.00
Oper. Margin 39.81% Earnings Date Nov 7 Volume 17,020 Change -3.90%
About MEI Pharma, Inc.

MEI Pharma, Inc., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, focuses on the development of various therapies for the treatment of cancer. It develops ME-344, an intravenous small molecule inhibitor mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to treat human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and solid tumors. The company was formerly known as Marshall Edwards, Inc. and changed its name to MEI Pharma, Inc. in July 2012. MEI Pharma, Inc. was incorporated in 2000 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.

Insider Trades Relationship Date Transactions Cost($) #Shares Value($) #Share Own SEC Form 4
Anson Funds Management LP 10% Owner 10% Owner Sep 22 Buy 6.8525 48,060 329,331 864,188 09/25/23
Funicular Funds, LP 10% Owner 10% Owner Sep 22 Buy 6.8525 32,040 219,554 460,840 09/25/23
Anson Funds Management LP 10% Owner 10% Owner Sep 20 Buy 6.24 153,600 958,464 816,128 09/22/23
Funicular Funds, LP 10% Owner 10% Owner Sep 20 Buy 6.24 102,400 638,976 428,800 09/22/23