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Market Cap | 191.69M | P/E | - | EPS this Y | - | Ern Qtrly Grth | - |
Income | - | Forward P/E | - | EPS next Y | - | 50D Avg Chg | 3.00% |
Sales | - | PEG | - | EPS past 5Y | - | 200D Avg Chg | -2.00% |
Dividend | N/A | Price/Book | EPS next 5Y | - | 52W High Chg | -15.00% | |
Recommedations | - | Quick Ratio | - | Shares Outstanding | 43.07M | 52W Low Chg | 9.00% |
Insider Own | - | ROA | - | Shares Float | - | Beta | - |
Inst Own | 27.65% | ROE | - | Shares Shorted/Prior | 34.71K/83.36K | Price | 4.43 |
Gross Margin | - | Profit Margin | - | Avg. Volume | 89,091 | Target Price | - |
Oper. Margin | - | Earnings Date | - | Volume | 48,039 | Change | -1.77% |
About Wells Fargo Global Dividend Opp
Wells Fargo Advantage Funds - Allspring Global Dividend Opportunity Fund is a closed-ended equity mutual fund launched and managed by Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. It is co-managed by Crow Point Partners, LLC and Wells Capital Management Incorporated. The fund invests in the public equity markets across the globe. It invests in stocks of companies operating across diversified sectors with an emphasis on utilities, telecom, and energy sectors. The fund primarily invests in dividend paying stocks of companies. Wells Fargo Advantage Funds - Allspring Global Dividend Opportunity Fund was formed on March 28, 2007 and is domiciled in the United States.
Wells Fargo Global Dividend Opp News