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Market Cap | 1.04B | P/E | 31.10 | EPS this Y | -132.00% | Ern Qtrly Grth | - |
Income | -12.01M | Forward P/E | -56.03 | EPS next Y | 54.30% | 50D Avg Chg | 5.00% |
Sales | 258.18M | PEG | -12.69 | EPS past 5Y | 53.74% | 200D Avg Chg | 5.00% |
Dividend | 4.00% | Price/Book | 1.51 | EPS next 5Y | 6.00% | 52W High Chg | -28.00% |
Recommedations | 2.20 | Quick Ratio | 0.25 | Shares Outstanding | 15.30M | 52W Low Chg | 27.00% |
Insider Own | 1.03% | ROA | 0.73% | Shares Float | 15.16M | Beta | 0.92 |
Inst Own | 80.54% | ROE | -0.76% | Shares Shorted/Prior | 892.26K/130.49K | Price | 65.00 |
Gross Margin | 58.21% | Profit Margin | -1.92% | Avg. Volume | 70,730 | Target Price | 75.78 |
Oper. Margin | 11.84% | Earnings Date | Oct 28 | Volume | 89,285 | Change | -2.36% |
About D/B/A Centerspace
Centerspace, collectively with its consolidated subsidiaries (Centerspace, the Company, we, us, or our), is a North Dakota real estate investment trust (REIT) focused on the ownership, management, acquisition, redevelopment, and development of apartment communities. As of March 31, 2024, Centerspace owned interests in 70 apartment communities consisting of 12,883 apartment homes.
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