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Market Cap | 622.26M | P/E | 76.32 | EPS this Y | 2.60% | Ern Qtrly Grth | -9.70% |
Income | 101.87M | Forward P/E | 8.27 | EPS next Y | -14.40% | 50D Avg Chg | 11.00% |
Sales | 197.42M | PEG | -1.60 | EPS past 5Y | 8.52% | 200D Avg Chg | 18.00% |
Dividend | 10.00% | Price/Book | 0.87 | EPS next 5Y | -4.90% | 52W High Chg | -8.00% |
Recommedations | 1.80 | Quick Ratio | 0.76 | Shares Outstanding | 37.06M | 52W Low Chg | 34.00% |
Insider Own | 12.50% | ROA | 5.83% | Shares Float | - | Beta | 0.87 |
Inst Own | 47.27% | ROE | 13.78% | Shares Shorted/Prior | 87.49K/83.97K | Price | 16.79 |
Gross Margin | 100.00% | Profit Margin | 51.60% | Avg. Volume | 135,340 | Target Price | 19.17 |
Oper. Margin | 77.77% | Earnings Date | Aug 12 | Volume | 123,084 | Change | 0.48% |
About Crescent Capital BDC, Inc.
Crescent Capital BDC, Inc. is as a business development company private equity / buyouts and loan fund. It specializes in directly investing. It specializes in middle market. The fund seeks to invest in United States.
Crescent Capital BDC, Inc. News
Insider Trades | Relationship | Date | Transactions | Cost($) | #Shares | Value($) | #Share Own | SEC Form 4 |
Lombard Gerhard | Chief Financial Offi.. Chief Financial Officer | May 23 | Buy | 16.84 | 700 | 11,788 | 21,674 | 05/26/22 |
Barrios Erik G | Senior Vice Presiden.. Senior Vice President | May 19 | Buy | 17.18 | 350 | 6,013 | 1,750 | 05/20/22 |
Bouek Kirill | Controller Controller | May 13 | Buy | 17.06 | 150 | 2,559 | 432 | 05/16/22 |
Hanlon Joseph | Chief Compliance Off.. Chief Compliance Officer | May 12 | Buy | 17.05 | 24,000 | 409,200 | 24,000 | 05/13/22 |
Breaux Jason | CEO & President CEO & President | May 12 | Buy | 17.09 | 2,800 | 47,852 | 41,592 | 05/13/22 |
Lombard Gerhard | Chief Financial Offi.. Chief Financial Officer | May 12 | Buy | 16.91 | 1,000 | 16,910 | 20,539 | 05/13/22 |
Barrios Raymond | Managing Director Managing Director | May 12 | Buy | 17.09 | 1,470 | 25,122 | 13,710 | 05/13/22 |
Hanlon Joseph | Chief Compliance Off.. Chief Compliance Officer | Mar 02 | Sell | 17.78 | 7,071 | 125,722 | 03/03/22 | |
WATSA V PREM ET AL | 10% Owner 10% Owner | Jan 11 | Sell | 18.13 | 85,223 | 1,545,093 | 3,060,679 | 01/12/22 |
WATSA V PREM ET AL | 10% Owner 10% Owner | Jan 06 | Sell | 18.02 | 74,811 | 1,348,094 | 3,145,902 | 01/10/22 |
WATSA V PREM ET AL | 10% Owner 10% Owner | Dec 27 | Sell | 18.04 | 276,948 | 4,996,142 | 3,338,999 | 12/29/21 |
WATSA V PREM ET AL | 10% Owner 10% Owner | Dec 22 | Sell | 18.07 | 93,366 | 1,687,124 | 3,615,947 | 12/23/21 |
WATSA V PREM ET AL | 10% Owner 10% Owner | Dec 17 | Sell | 18.11 | 86,933 | 1,574,357 | 3,709,313 | 12/21/21 |