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Market Cap | 7.35M | P/E | - | EPS this Y | - | Ern Qtrly Grth | - |
Income | -72.47k | Forward P/E | - | EPS next Y | - | 50D Avg Chg | -11.00% |
Sales | 18.52k | PEG | - | EPS past 5Y | - | 200D Avg Chg | -99.00% |
Dividend | N/A | Price/Book | 0.00 | EPS next 5Y | - | 52W High Chg | -100.00% |
Recommedations | - | Quick Ratio | 1.98 | Shares Outstanding | 18.13M | 52W Low Chg | - |
Insider Own | - | ROA | -4.96% | Shares Float | - | Beta | -8.06 |
Inst Own | - | ROE | -14.87% | Shares Shorted/Prior | -/- | Price | 0.00040 |
Gross Margin | 23.86% | Profit Margin | - | Avg. Volume | 257 | Target Price | - |
Oper. Margin | -786.18% | Earnings Date | - | Volume | 180 | Change | 0.00% |
THC Farmaceuticals, Inc. owns and operates non-financial institution cash-dispensing automated teller machines at third-party owned retail and commercial locations. The company's machines are placed in hotels, stores, bowling alleys, and other high customer traffic areas for small and medium sized businesses. As of June 30, 2015, it had a total of eight machines for public use along the Wasatch Front in the State of Utah. The company was formerly known as City Media, Inc. and changed its name to THC Farmaceuticals, Inc. in February 2015. THC Farmaceuticals, Inc. was founded in 2008 and is based in Scottsdale, Arizona. THC Farmaceuticals, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Weed Growth Fund, Inc.