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Market Cap 405.01K P/E - EPS this Y - Ern Qtrly Grth -
Income -2.88M Forward P/E -0.10 EPS next Y - 50D Avg Chg -34.00%
Sales 269.38k PEG - EPS past 5Y - 200D Avg Chg -87.00%
Dividend N/A Price/Book N/A EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -98.00%
Recommedations - Quick Ratio 0.05 Shares Outstanding 79.41M 52W Low Chg 27.00%
Insider Own 2.05% ROA -80.58% Shares Float 77.78M Beta 0.54
Inst Own - ROE - Shares Shorted/Prior -/- Price 0.00510
Gross Margin -259.66% Profit Margin - Avg. Volume 88,324 Target Price -
Oper. Margin -469.24% Earnings Date - Volume 9,885 Change 0.00%

Bioasis Technologies Inc., a development stage biopharmaceutical company, engages in the research and development of products for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and disorders. It is developing xB3, a platform technology for the transport of therapeutic agents across the blood-brain barrier (BBB); and the treatment of central nervous system disorders (CNS), including brain cancers, and metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. The company's in-house development programs develop symptomatic and disease-modifying treatments for brain metastases (xB3-001), glioblastoma (xB3-002), and neurodegenerative diseases (xB3-007). It has research collaborations with Aposense Limited to focus on the delivery of siRNA therapeutics for CNS disorders; Oxyrane UK Ltd. to focus on combining xB3 technology and Oxyrane's OxyCAT platform to deliver an undisclosed enhanced enzyme replacement therapy into the brain; and Janssen Biotech, Inc. to research, develop, and commercialize novel products based on Bioasis' xB3 platform. The company also has a research collaboration and license agreement with Neuramedy Co Ltd. to research, develop, and commercialize an xB3TM version of its antibody, Tomaralimab. Bioasis Technologies Inc. was incorporated in 2006 and is headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut.