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Market Cap 1.50M P/E - EPS this Y - Ern Qtrly Grth -
Income -80.63k Forward P/E - EPS next Y - 50D Avg Chg -21.00%
Sales - PEG - EPS past 5Y - 200D Avg Chg -41.00%
Dividend N/A Price/Book EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -92.00%
Recommedations - Quick Ratio - Shares Outstanding 14.98B 52W Low Chg -
Insider Own 60.95% ROA - Shares Float 5.85B Beta 58.15
Inst Own - ROE - Shares Shorted/Prior -/- Price 0.00010
Gross Margin - Profit Margin - Avg. Volume 2,024,193 Target Price -
Oper. Margin - Earnings Date - Volume 30,000 Change 0.00%

Saxon Capital Group, Inc. does not have significant operations. It intends to merge with an entity with experienced management and opportunities for growth in return for shares. The company was formerly known as Atlas Technology Group, Inc. and changed its name to Saxon Capital Group, Inc. in May 2024. Saxon Capital Group, Inc. is based in Lakewood, Colorado.