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Market Cap 45.55B P/E 5.58 EPS this Y - Ern Qtrly Grth 15.90%
Income 10.12B Forward P/E - EPS next Y - 50D Avg Chg 13.00%
Sales 23.64B PEG - EPS past 5Y 3.11% 200D Avg Chg 38.00%
Dividend 4.00% Price/Book 0.78 EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -
Recommedations - Quick Ratio - Shares Outstanding 1.58B 52W Low Chg 185.00%
Insider Own 3.07% ROA 1.27% Shares Float 1.50B Beta 1.46
Inst Own 49.35% ROE 16.75% Shares Shorted/Prior -/- Price 25.05
Gross Margin - Profit Margin 43.87% Avg. Volume 2,883 Target Price 8.39
Oper. Margin 70.20% Earnings Date Oct 24 Volume 3,909 Change 0.00%

UniCredit S.p.A. provides commercial banking services in Italy, Germany, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe. It offers retail, private, and wealth management solutions; and institutional investor solutions. The company also provides corporate finance advisory, rating advisory, financial sponsor, patient capital, capital structure advisory, and finance solutions, as well as securities services. In addition, it offers transactional and risk management, and strategic advisory and funding services; group trade and correspondent banking services; and payments and cash management solutions. The company serves SME, corporate, multinational corporate, financial institution, and public sector clients, as well as retail, private banking, wealth management, and family office clients. The company was founded in 1870 and is headquartered in Milan, Italy.