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Market Cap | 9.92M | P/E | - | EPS this Y | - | Ern Qtrly Grth | - |
Income | -4.79M | Forward P/E | - | EPS next Y | - | 50D Avg Chg | 19.00% |
Sales | 3.46M | PEG | - | EPS past 5Y | - | 200D Avg Chg | 42.00% |
Dividend | N/A | Price/Book | 0.57 | EPS next 5Y | - | 52W High Chg | -69.00% |
Recommedations | 2.00 | Quick Ratio | 3.60 | Shares Outstanding | 6.35M | 52W Low Chg | 133.00% |
Insider Own | - | ROA | -16.53% | Shares Float | 1.66B | Beta | 2.23 |
Inst Own | 7.05% | ROE | -53.02% | Shares Shorted/Prior | 462.82K/490.82K | Price | 2.05 |
Gross Margin | 57.25% | Profit Margin | -138.20% | Avg. Volume | 1,661,643 | Target Price | - |
Oper. Margin | -41.99% | Earnings Date | - | Volume | 30,218 | Change | -2.38% |
About Mobilicom Limited
Mobilicom Limited operates as an end-to-end provider of cybersecurity and smart solutions for drones, robotics, and autonomous platforms. It designs, develops, and delivers smart solutions, such as cybersecurity, cloud management software, communication datalink and mobile mesh networking terminals, handheld control terminals, and professional services and support for drone, robotics, and autonomous system manufacturers, as well as hardware products and software solutions. The company was incorporated in 2017 and is headquartered in Shoham, Israel.
Mobilicom Limited News