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Market Cap 28.86M P/E - EPS this Y - Ern Qtrly Grth -
Income -46.75M Forward P/E -13.60 EPS next Y - 50D Avg Chg 12.00%
Sales 1.08B PEG - EPS past 5Y - 200D Avg Chg -11.00%
Dividend N/A Price/Book 0.07 EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -39.00%
Recommedations 2.00 Quick Ratio 1.05 Shares Outstanding 21.22M 52W Low Chg 49.00%
Insider Own 1.21% ROA -4.63% Shares Float 200.76M Beta 0.40
Inst Own 15.35% ROE -10.77% Shares Shorted/Prior 13.36K/20.10K Price 1.36
Gross Margin 24.18% Profit Margin -4.46% Avg. Volume 21,391 Target Price -
Oper. Margin -3.42% Earnings Date Mar 19 Volume 41,378 Change -2.42%
About Jianpu Technology Inc.

Jianpu Technology Inc. operates a platform that provides online discovery and recommendation services for financial products in the People's Republic of China. The company's platform allows users to access to financial products, including loans, credit cards, insurance products, and other financial products. It recommends financial products to individual users and assists the financial service providers in targeting users with specific characteristics based on the users' financial needs and profile, as well as the products offerings and risk appetite of the financial service providers. The company also provides big data and system-based risk management, advertising and marketing, and other services primarily to financial service providers. It operates its platform under the Rong360 brand name. The company was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Beijing, China.