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Market Cap | 31.29M | P/E | - | EPS this Y | - | Ern Qtrly Grth | - |
Income | - | Forward P/E | - | EPS next Y | - | 50D Avg Chg | -13.00% |
Sales | - | PEG | - | EPS past 5Y | - | 200D Avg Chg | -33.00% |
Dividend | N/A | Price/Book | 2.54 | EPS next 5Y | - | 52W High Chg | -63.00% |
Recommedations | - | Quick Ratio | - | Shares Outstanding | 33M | 52W Low Chg | 68.00% |
Insider Own | 0.73% | ROA | - | Shares Float | - | Beta | - |
Inst Own | 1.83% | ROE | - | Shares Shorted/Prior | -/- | Price | 0.94 |
Gross Margin | - | Profit Margin | - | Avg. Volume | 2,187 | Target Price | - |
Oper. Margin | - | Earnings Date | - | Volume | 5,250 | Change | -1.29% |
Satellos Bioscience Inc., a regenerative medicine company, develops therapeutics that stimulate or restore muscle regeneration in severe disorders. Its lead program focuses on the development of a therapeutic for correcting the impaired muscle regenerative process in genetic pediatric disease, duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a genetic disease that involves the mutation and functional disruption of the DMD gene and loss of Dystrophin. The company was incorporated in 2012 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.