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Market Cap 7.61B P/E 12.43 EPS this Y - Ern Qtrly Grth 18.90%
Income 4.37B Forward P/E - EPS next Y - 50D Avg Chg 1.00%
Sales 10.64B PEG - EPS past 5Y - 200D Avg Chg 15.00%
Dividend 35.00% Price/Book 0.82 EPS next 5Y - 52W High Chg -7.00%
Recommedations 3.00 Quick Ratio 0.98 Shares Outstanding 815.93M 52W Low Chg 38.00%
Insider Own - ROA 7.81% Shares Float 255.24M Beta 0.52
Inst Own 0.00% ROE 40.91% Shares Shorted/Prior -/- Price 9.32
Gross Margin 55.50% Profit Margin 41.09% Avg. Volume 9,838 Target Price -
Oper. Margin 54.46% Earnings Date Nov 5 Volume 7,629 Change -1.74%

Engie Brasil Energia S.A., together with its subsidiaries, generates, sells, and trades in electrical energy in Brazil. The company operates various plants, including hydroelectric power plants, wind farms, biomass plants, photovoltaic solar plants, and small hydroelectric power plants. It also engages in transportation of natural gas business. Engie Brasil Energia S.A. was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Florianópolis, Brazil. The company operates as a subsidiary of ENGIE Brasil Participações Ltda.